Distributed Worldwide by Encore Plastics
Row of Paint Cans
The Revolutionary Paint Can Lid
The all new, ultra efficient, Stack N Pour© paint can lid is designed to jolt your painting projects into overdrive. The industrious Stack N Pour© paint can lid is loaded with a number of innovative timesaving features. The easy-on/easy-off spout caps all but eliminate the messy drips and spills saving you time and money on lengthy cleanup and wasted paint. Since the Stack N Pour seals on the inner most lip of the can you won't have the old dried up paint mess in the top groove of the can.

Simple and Easy
The Stack N Pour© paint can lid turns your messy pouring from an average paint can, into a clean and efficient job, while helping you keep your paint onto your tray or cup, not on the floor or on the sides of the paint can. Also, Stack N Pour© paint can lids are completely washable allowing you to reuse a single lid repeatedly.

Once you see how easy StacknPour© can better facilitate your painting projects, you will never go back to using the old messy metal paint can lid again.

Color Inspection
Gone are the days of prying off the old paint can lid and creating messy spills just to inspect the color. Our clear plastic lid makes the paint color visible without ever opening the can.

Rotating Lid Quicktime VR 360°
Explore Virtual Reality by taking the new StacknPour© Paint Can Lid for a spin.
Requires the Quicktime Player, Sorry our download is not available now!

K.I. (Moe) Moore
Director of Engineering
Stack N Pour
7732 Talbert Avenue, Unit B
Huntington Beach, California 92648
(949) 515-3995 Phone
(949) 642-8294 Fax

Order Online:
Encore Plastics


A Perfect Fit
Worried about leaking? Don't be- Stack N Pour’s rugged plastic shell creates an airtight seal on any standard one-gallon paint can preventing spills and protecting your paint from any contaminant. By the unique way the Stack N Pour lid seals you can always put the original metal lid back on easily without any mess. Then wash and use Our lid for another color if you wish. Easy Huh??